Trophy Cupcakes

In this project, I refreshed the design of the page and added animation to many elements for this cupcake store to make it look more attractive.

fashionspeech desktop fashionspeech desktop

Built With Responsive Design

Trophy Cupcakes is an eCommerce Cupcake store. The website was built on the Shopify platform using Responsive Design so it looks great no matter what device you’re using!
• Responsive design
• Mobile friendly
• Easy to update

project-3 ipad horizontal
project-3 ipad horizontal project-3 ipad vertical
project-3 iphone


• Refreshed the design
• Added Parallax effect animation
• Integrated logo animations
• SEO optimization

Mobile version

Beautifully designed and easy-to-navigate mobile page brings the joy of cupcakes right to the customers’ fingertips.

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