Fashion Speech is an eCommerce store specializing in Men and Women's fashion. The website was built on Shopify platform using Responsive Design so it looks great no matter what device you're using!
- Responsive design
- Mobile friendly
- Easy to update
This Shopify Store has been designed with community in mind!
- Integrated blog pages & posts
- Demonstrated ways to engage readers
- Links for easy navigation
I used a premium theme to implement advanced filtering and searching features. This allows users to intuitively browse and narrow their search, so they can easily hone in on what they are looking for.
- Provides Stress-Free Shopping Experience
- Increases Conversion Rates
To further improve chances of purchase and increase revenue, I added an AJAX Cart (side panel cart), so customers can easily access their cart without leaving the current page. This makes the transition from shopping to checkout smoother and removes barriers to conversion.
This feature allows you to showcase multiple items and let your customers click directly into the item they are interested in purchasing and proceed directly to checkout.
- Improves visual experience
- Increases conversion rate
Let’s get in touch to make it happen